Lipstick Jungle canceled!

Aren't we all disappointed about what NBC is doing?If you are one of us numerous LJ fans you know what I am talking about and you sure are!
I am so hooked on this show, looking forward to it every week, never missed an episode, my DVR's always ready, just in case my very active 4 year old daughter is still up and running in the house.
What's going on, why did they cancel it? One of the few good shows on TV? Where do you find another one like this, that talks about women, strong, powerful and independent women, with great jobs and business, mothers and wives. Fashion is gorgeous here and a show that combines so many other great topics like friendship, parenting and love, such a fabulous show that makes you feel alive and gives you so much inspiration deserves to keep going and be promoted! We need it.
NBC Folks wake up! Lots of people are watching it and lot more would watch it if it aired at a better day and if it was promoted a little more. You are crazy for killing it!
Come and sign the petition let's try to save this amazing show...