Parrot Wing Ring

This is my most recent ring, I decided to keep it for myself, I couldn't help it!
Besides, this is my favorite color.
The stone is called Parrot Wing, it is one of a kind mineral chrysocolla:
Chemistry: CuSiO3 - nH2O (45.2% CuO, 34.3% Si03, 20.5% H20)
Composition: Hydrated copper silicate
Color: green-blue
Class: Silicates
Subclass: Phyllosilicates
Crystal system: Orthorhombic (?)
Fracture: conchoidal
Hardness: 2 to 4
Specific gravity: 2.0 - 2.3
Luster: vitreous to waxy.
Streak: white to blue-green
Cleavage: absent
Transparency: translucent to opaque
Associated Minerals: azurite, malachite,
cuprite, other secondary copper minerals, limonite, quartz