I would Like To...
I would like to say a few words about what’s happening to this hopeless Society.
Bernie Sanders was # 1 for votes and debate victories not so
long ago. Then there was Buttigieg #2 and so on… Biden was one of the last ones
and on the debates was always one of the losers.
The DNC chose Biden and made him # 1 through dirty politics and
such, Killing the only honest and coherent, compassionate, a real fighter for the
people, Bernie Sanders. This already happened in 2016.
The Democratic party is no better than the Republican party,
they are both corrupt, crooked and full of lies. Old establishments, not for
the people, but only for themselves, the lobbies, and their rich friends on Wall Street.
Going deeper, while Democratic supporters are more educated,
some very much educated, Republican supporters are mostly ignorant, I say
mostly, because as always there are few exceptions. Unfortunately, the demographics and the level
in general is kind of hopeless and sad.
There is nothing you can really do with ignorant people, it
is not an easy fix, the only option is, getting a real education and it is not
a thing that you do from one day to another! It is a long journey, it is your
family, the place you live in, where you
go to school, what you read, or don’t read, where you travel or don’t travel,
what you eat, what programs you watch on TV, everything will define and shape
you as a person and make you less ignorant.
These “poor” simple minds are easily manipulated and easier to
control. Incapable to look outside of the box; they live in their confined
little worlds, made of guns, cheap beers and Walmart. They don’t have a good
diet, they don’t eat nutritious food and their thinking process is also,
without any doubt, affected by it.
On the other hand, Democratic supporters have usually a
better or good education, but I would say at this point that they are just less
ignorant. However, being less ignorant is a great advantage that opens your
mind and world to infinite ways of thinking. Being able to compare different
realities to find better solutions and applying a real critical thinking to
every aspect of life should be the answer to at least, some of our worst problems,
for a better society and a better country.
I am puzzled at what is happening! If the so-called
Democrats are incapable of getting out of their old forma mentis , having the
tools to do so, there is just one easy explanation:
They are, mostly, very selfish individuals who hide behind
few values, like fake compassion, fake generosity, and cannot even think about
the future of their children and grandchildren.
Truth be told, it is just an illusion, this so-called Democrats are
worse than their opposition supporters, who are pretty much victims of the